Today, the College is a dynamically developing educational institution, where the best professionals work. For example, during the last 5 years our teachers were awarded the title "Uzdik teacher" in the Republican professional competition organized by the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan

The College entered the project "creation of the ecosystem of student entrepreneurship" initiated by LLP " Eurasian group»

The College became the owner of the grant of the world development Bank under the project of the Ministry of education and science of Kazakhstan "Modernization of technical and vocational education", due to which the educational and material base of the College was modernized.

In the educational process introduced new educational programs developed jointly with foreign partners (England, Germany, Australia).
The staff of the College passes foreign internships

The technical school was renamed into Aktobe Polytechnic College by the decree of the Government.

Opened its doors 9-storey building of the hostel for 535 seats (sectional type). In parallel with the commissioning of new buildings, there was work on equipment.

Training workshops equipped with metal-cutting machines and other equipment were commissioned.

Opened its doors a new academic building, 4-storey building. If earlier the College trained specialists only in the specialty "Mechanization of agriculture" then in the 1984-85 academic year the College opened training of specialists in the specialties "Processing of materials on machines and automatic lines", "Maintenance and repair of cars and engines".

Premises for workshops and warehouses were built. Later, the Foundation was laid for the educational building.

Aktobe industrial and pedagogical College relocated from the shubar-Kuduk fishery to the city of Aktobe.

The first reception of applicants began in the old building of the shubar-Kuduk fishery

By order of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR No. 582-R on the basis of vocational school No. 6 was opened Temir industrial College in p. Shubar-Kuduk Temir district, Aktobe region.