One of the priority tasks of building a democratic society today is the fight against corruption. The relevance of the fight against corruption lies in the fact that it should be comprehensive. A consolidated effort is required not only of the state, but of the entire civil society in all regions of the country. The result will be when the fight against corruption, firstly, becomes a constant and unremitting function of the state, and secondly – the subject of vigilant control by society.

From the first days of independence, the fight against corruption has been one of the key priorities of the state policy of our republic. Kazakhstan was the first among the CIS countries to adopt laws “On Combating Corruption” (1998) and “On Public Service” (1999), and created a special state body to combat corruption. The Anti-Corruption Strategy of Kazakhstan for 2015–2025 was adopted, in which, in accordance with international best practice, practical measures and anti-corruption mechanisms are provided. It laid down new mechanisms and tools to increase the effectiveness of state anti-corruption policy.
The main emphasis is on the formation of an anti-corruption culture and behavior, strengthening public control, as well as eliminating the causes and conditions that give rise to corruption.
The Ministry of Education and Science has established and operates a Commission on Combating Corruption and Ethics for Civil Servants. The Coordination Council for Combating Corruption in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been established.

A public anti-corruption council has been formed with the participation of members of the public. The Sectoral Anti-Corruption Program for 2011-2015 is being implemented. Its main tasks are to improve national legislation on anti-corruption issues, increase the effectiveness of government bodies to reduce corruption risks.
The Aktobe High Polytechnic College is doing a lot of work aimed at creating an anti-corruption culture, organizing the transparency of the educational process, conducting explanatory discussions, lectures among college students on the prevention of corruption and responsibility for creating such conditions. Meetings are regularly held with representatives of the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption

Together with the youth team of the parties “Hyp Otan” “Zhas Otan” and the Republican Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan, the republican campaign “Pure“ Session! ”
Organization of work in this direction for the leadership of the Aktobe High Polytechnic College is one of the most important priorities. Our common work and the formation in society, especially among young people of anti-corruption education, of consciousness directly depend on the realization of a dream to become one of the 30 most successful countries in the world. An analysis of the development of countries shows that those countries that were able to achieve serious success in the fight against this evil – corruption, achieve the greatest successes in raising the people’s standard of living, well-being of society, and indicators of economic growth.
Therefore, we are confident that the successful implementation of the Anti-corruption Strategy will create a solid foundation for achieving the goals of the Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy.