On October 2, 2020, Aktobe Higher Polytechnic College held a solemn meeting in honor of the “Teacher’s day” holiday.

Many teachers of our College were awarded Certificates of honor and letters of Thanks from The regional Department of education, the Regional trade Union organization, JSC “NCPC “Orleu”, the Regional scientific and practical center, the “Nur-Otan” party, the Department of internal policy, the Regional chamber of entrepreneurs and the College.

Aktobe regional organization of the Kazakhstan branch trade Union of education and science workers awarded certificates to the sanatorium “Saryagash” to teachers of our College
Esetova Mira Klimovna, Asabaeva Lyazat Biktybaevna, Eltezerova Gauhar Suindikovna, Nurudinova Ardak Amanzholkyzy and Nurina Zhazira Kalimuhanovna.

Also, 20 teachers of our College were awarded certificates in the amount of 15,000 tenge from the College administration and the trade Union Committee of the College.

Employees who reached the jubilee age were also awarded certificates.

In our team, Rinat Askerovich khairullaev, Deputy Director for ICT, and Anara zhenisovna Nurgalieva, chief accountant, got Married and started a family. Chairman of the trade Union Committee Salamat Gulbababash Aldiyarovna handed the newlyweds a certificate for a romantic dinner at the Italian restaurant “Perchini”. Congratulations!