Social and
psychological Service
- Implementation of a set of measures for the education, development and social protection of the personality of students at the College and at the place of residence. - Implementation and control over the implementation of measures of social assistance and protection of students. - Psychodiagnostic work to identify creative, cognitive and level of development of the individual. - Organization of social and psychological services of the College. - Assistance in the acquisition of psychological knowledge by students, skills necessary for obtaining a profession, career development, success in life. - Assist students in determining their capabilities based on abilities, aptitudes, interests and health status.
- Psychological analysis of the social situation of development, identifying the main problems and determining the causes of their occurrence, ways and means of their resolution. - Identification of the psychological state and providing psychological assistance to students through psychodiagnostic, psychoprophylactic, psychological correction and individual counseling. - In order to improve the institution of the family, the provision of psychological assistance in the relationship between parents and students. - Promotion of personal and intellectual development of students at every age stage of personality development. - Assistance to the teaching staff in the harmonization of the socio-psychological climate in the College. - Assistance in providing the activities of teachers of the College with scientific and methodological materials and developments in the field of psychology.
Main directions:
Psychodiagnostic direction; Psycho-prophylactic direction; Psychocorrectional direction; Consultations; Increase of psychological knowledge.
Bizhanova Aizhan Zhaskayratovna
Social teacher
Mob. phone: +7 (771) 170 02 59
Turlanova Zhanar Zhumazhanovna
Educational psychologist
Mob. phone: +7 (771) 783 29 50