METHODICAL RECOMMENDATION organization of the educational process using DOT

The educational process of DOT is carried out according to the following scheme:
  1. Preparation of teaching materials
  2. Conducting online lessons (video tutorials)
  3. Students ‘ independent work in offline mode
  4. Monitoring students ‘ progress
Content of the distance lesson (theoretical lesson)
Lesson topic, date, group, teacher
  1. Control test on the previous topic, the number of tasks-15, time to pass -14.00 – 20.00
  2. Online lesson (link to video tutorial), explanation of a new topic duration-30 minutes
  3. Homework (deadline for completing homework – until 12.00 PM the next day)
  4. Lecture
  5. Reference summary
  6.  Links to additional sources
Content of a remote lesson (plz)
Lesson topic, date, group, teacher
  1. Control test on the previous topic, the number of tasks-15, the time to pass -14.00 – 20.00
  2. Online lesson (link to video tutorial), explanation of a new topic duration-30 minutes
  3. Homework (deadline for completing homework – until 12.00 PM the next day)
  4. Guidelines for the implementation of LPZ
  5. Links to additional sources
Content of distance learning (consultation on the implementation of course / diploma projects)
Lesson topic, date, group, teacher
  1. Online lesson (link to video tutorial) duration-30 minutes
  2. Homework (deadline for completing homework – until 12.00 PM the next day)
  3. Guidelines for the implementation of the course / diploma project
  4. Links to additional sources
Content of distance learning (Industrial training)
Lesson topic, date, group, teacher
  1. Control test on the previous topic, the number of tasks-15, time to pass -14.00 – 20.00
  2. Online lesson (link to video tutorial) duration -30 minutes
  3. Homework (deadline for completing homework – until 12.00 PM the next day)
  4. Lecture
  5. Reference summary (instructional, technological map)
  6. Links to additional sources
Educational and methodical office