Extracurricular activities in dormitories

02/28/2020 held extracurricular activities for students of the hostel.
Lesson theme: “Idea and game”
The purpose of extracurricular activities:
Educational: to deepen the interest and knowledge of students through a competition.
Developing: thinking, memory, development of speech, development of creative abilities.
Educational: the ability to evaluate students and listen to each other in teamwork.
A good choice of the form and methods of the event, the optimal combination of various types of tasks and competitions allowed the teacher to fully solve the goals and objectives, reveal the capabilities of each child, demonstrate a rather high level of formation of collectivism, tolerance, and once again emphasize the relevance of the relationship between family and college.
The event was conducted by: Nurina Zh.K.,Ismagulova N.K., Sakebaeva N.B., Erkinova A.K., Aitbaeva A.N., Ayabaeva B.K.