Мath lesson presentation

  1. 12. 2019 teacher of mathematics tulaeva Sandugash Kereevna in group 102 В held an open lesson on “Solving the simplest and reducible logarithmic equations”, which is included in the section “Logarithms”.
Lesson objectives:
* educational: the formation of knowledge about different ways to solve logarithmic equations, the ability to apply them in each situation and choose to solve any method;
* developing: development of skills to observe, compare, apply knowledge in a new situation, identify patterns, generalize; formation of skills of mutual control and self-control;
* educational: education of responsible attitude to educational work, careful perception of the material in the classroom, accuracy of records.
  • The form of the lesson: the lesson-presentation. The lesson was held in the technology of activity method.
* Lesson type: lesson “discovery” of new knowledge, consisting of 4 stages.
The assimilation of new material is planned through the independent resolution of intellectual difficulties in groups, as the class is able to think logically, analyze
* The lesson implemented a system-activity approach to learning-is the organization of the educational process, in which the main place is given to the active and versatile, to the maximum extent of independent cognitive activity of the student. (70% of the training time)
* Modern pedagogical technologies are used: ICT, technology of activity method, problem training, group work on the solution of the created problem, methods of self-assessment and self-control, differentiated training.
* The structure of the lesson was subordinated to the triune purpose of the lesson and contributed to the achievement of the final result of the lesson.  Each previous moment of the lesson is closely connected with the next, continues it and is itself a base, a continuation of the previous one.