For almost 3 years, we have been working closely with the polytechnic college to train specialists in both fields of energy. In many colleges, a dual system has been introduced for young people, who are now very good at studying at college, and what kind of profession we will be engaged in in the future. We, as entrepreneurs, support this Polytechnic College, which is called poletechnical college, and we get points from our choice of practice.
Bekmuratov N.B. – Director of LLP”NEMK – Jaryq”
Бекмуратов Н.Б.

From 2010 to 2013, I studied in this specialty and became the best graduate of the college.
While studying at college, I participated in various social events, sports sections, clubs, participated in competitions on behalf of the college and won prizes.
Currently, a pop singer who has a name in the domestic show business. "Chagall", "Sagynganda", "Crying girl?", "I'm looking for you", "Kazak kyzy", etc.
Graduate of the specialty “Translation Studies”
Мамырова Айгерим Бекболатовна

Everyone makes a choice in life after graduation. I am glad that I graduated from high school and chose this college. Because I found my way. I want to thank everyone who helped me along the way and gave me advice. This college gave me a chance to get not only a comprehensive education, but also to master a profession. And this is important for me, because I always strive for development. The teachers explain the material very competently, efficiently and interestingly.
Graduate of the specialty “Power Supply”.
Боранбаев Әділ-Выпускник

Currently I work as a metrologist engineer at the Aktobe Ferroalloy Plant of JSC TNK Kazchrome. In 2015, I was awarded the title of "Best Young Specialist" of our company. I want to thank the teachers of the college for their hard work in training future specialists like us.
Graduate of the department “Automation and Management”
Изтелеуова Айнагуль Бериковна

I am proud to have graduated from Aktobe Higher Polytechnic College. I actively participated in the social life of the college and implemented various events and projects.
I work as an engineer of "Relay protection and automation" of the Aktobe ferroalloy Plant.
Graduate of the specialty “Power Supply”.
Сейілхан Есімхан Сырымбекұлы

I can only say good things about college. The teachers are wonderful. But the best, Yerzhan Baktybayevich. If you are lucky and he becomes the curator of your group.
Together with Yerzhan Baktybaevich, the group is your second family. He may swear, but he always supports. The material base is also good. Every year the college changes beyond recognition.
Graduate of the specialty “Power Supply”.
Досмұхан Темірлан Нұрманұлы

I am proud to have graduated from Aktobe Higher Polytechnic College. I actively participated in the social life of the college and implemented various events and projects.
I work as an engineer of "Relay protection and automation" of Aktobe ferroalloy Plant
Graduate of the specialty “Power supply”
Сейілхан Есімхан Сырымбекұлы

I am proud to be a graduate of this college. The material and technical base of our college and the qualifications of teachers are at a high level. We used our time effectively because all our academic buildings, libraries, places for sports and walking are located in one place
Graduate of the specialty “Automation and control”

Aktobe Higher Polytechnic College is one of the best educational institutions in the Aktobe region. Our specialists conduct classes at this college, share their work experience. Students undergoing practical training show good basic knowledge, good discipline. We look forward to productive, long-term work with AHPC.
Engineer of the joint-stock company «KEGOG»
Yhlasov A.

Positive impressions about "Aktobe Polytechnic College": wonderful qualified teachers and specialists, were very interesting and accessible materials about our specialties, new programs, our teachers were ready to support during exams, term papers, diplomas.
Graduate of the specialty 1305000 «Information systems»

The level of knowledge obtained in a technical school was higher, for example, in a school or university. Some of the subjects that we were taught are in demand in my daily work. In addition, this education gives me the opportunity to acquire students to practice and train them.
Graduate of the specialty 1305000 “Information systems”

The impressions I received during my studies were positive. Friendly teachers teach in full. He treats students with understanding and respect. In the course of training, I mastered all the theoretical material.
Graduate of the specialty 0518000 «Accounting and audit»

We have a close relationship with AHPC College.
For many years, we have been working with them, students and graduates of this college pass our production practice, are trained by masters. Many college graduates come to work for us as foremen, foremen.
Director of “Himstroy – Aktobe” LLP

Highly qualified college teachers and a good educational program allowed us to master a large knowledge base, gain experience in specific organizations and get recommendations from employers.
Graduate of specialty 0819000 ” Oil and gas processing technology”
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