General education disciplines

The department trains 1st year students, students of the specialty 0512000 "Translation" and 0518000 "Accounting and Audit" are also trained

. The head of the department is Gulsara Bagitzhanovna Sabdykova. The department employs 24 teachers of general education disciplines and 6 teachers of special disciplines; the teaching staff includes 11 masters of science, 17 have the highest category, 5 – the first, 4-the second and 4 teachers without a category.

Main technical characteristics and capabilities
- 1. The training is conducted according to the modular and dual system;
- 2. Future specialists receive education in specially equipped classrooms;
- 3. The final certification is carried out in the form of control of practical skills of translation of oral and written speech, economic analyses and accounting analyses.

4. During the period of study, students undergo the following types of practical work:
- Educational practice
- Educational and industrial practice
- Pre-graduate practice
5. Social partnership by specialty:
- regional multidisciplinary library им. С.Баишева, «American corner»;
- company «Алтиес Петролеум Интернешнл БВ»;
- АО «СНПС – Актобемунайгаз»;
- company «Актобе Батыс Мунай»;
- АО «Казхром»;
- ТОО «Темірбетон»;
- ТОО «Компания Техногаз»;
Organization of educational events, professional competitions:
- The best translator «Spelling Bee»;
- The cleverest;
- Protection of course projects;
- Protection of the best business projects;
- «Бір шаңырақ астында біргеміз!» ethno-cultural competition;
- Competition of readers "Abai's Poems";
- Zhuldyzdy Sagat – eloquence contest in three languages
- Regional Entrepreneurship Weekend (REW) Challenge - startup competition;
- Business case championships "Kemel Kasipker" and "Project Day".
- ТОО «Компания Техногаз»;

CMC "Translation business"
"General education disciplines"
- Qualification: 3S02310101 "Translator"
- The term of study after the 9th grade is 2 years and 10 months; after the 11th grade-1 year and 10 months.
- Translation is a special specialty that requires not only professional knowledge, but also certain personal qualities.
- Advantages of the specialty They consist in high-quality training of competent specialists in the field of translation studies and intercultural communication, fluent in the state language, the language of interethnic communication and foreign languages, with deep knowledge in the field of theory and practice of translation.
- As a result of mastering the educational curriculum, a specialist must have professional competencies:
- – observe various personal and individual characteristics of a person when communicating, as well as interact without conflict with partners respecting their national and cultural characteristics.
- – perform work demonstrating knowledge of the phenomena characterizing the language system and its functioning on the examples of the foreign language being studied.
- – when translating, observe the speech intonation, the sound system of the language being studied, the articulation base and its connection with teaching foreign pronunciation.
- – identify intercultural communication in the culture of countries interacting in the process of language translation, analyze ethnic norms of intercultural communication and the interaction of language and translation;
- – to use the communicative and logical structure of the utterance and the ways of its transmission in translation, to reproduce and produce dialogic and monological speech in the studied foreign, Kazakh, Russian languages in the field of everyday, scientific and professional communication, taking into account the level determined by the educational program in the specialty.
- – observe the traditions and customs of the country of the language being studied and the native language, respecting the culture of another people and their own people, geographical location, climate, population, industry, economy, the system of national and cultural characteristics of the foreign language being studied.
Teachers of the CMC "Translation business":

- Sabdykova Gulsara Bagitzhanovna
- “Zhalpi bilim beru panderi” boliminin mangerushisi
- Technique gylymdarynyn magisteri
- Education: secondary, Aktobe Polytechnic College, 2001-2005.
- Higher education, Aktobe State University named after S.Baishev, 2005-2008
- Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade

- Nurfayzova Gauhar Utyagalievna
- Teacher of the CMC "Translation Business"
- Master of Humanities
- English teacher

- Dzhalgasbayeva Gulzhanat Dzholdasbayeva
- Teacher of the CMC "Translation business"
- Aktobe Ped. Institute, Aktobe, Kazakhstan
- English teacher

- Orynbasarova Nesibeli Yerkinkyzy
- Teacher of the CMC "Translation business"
- English teacher

- Bazekenova Gulzada Kazbekovna
- Chairman of the CMC "Translation Business"
- Teacher of English "Social disciplines"

- Yeltezerova Gauhar Suindikovna
- Chairman of the CMC "Social and Social Disciplines",
- Project Manager "Rukhani zhangyru",
- Teacher of "History and Geography"
- Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
- The winner of the Republican contest "The Best historian of the year",
- the winner of the regional contest "The Best historian",
- the holder of badges "For valiant work in the field of technical and secondary special education" and "The Best historian of the year"

- Zhienalina Inkar Suyeumagambetovna
- Head of the Correspondence Department, Candidate of Historical Sciences,
- "The best teacher of a technical and vocational educational institution" of the Pedagogical Achievements Competition,
- Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
- Holder of badges: "For merits in the field of the trade union of education and science workers", "For special merits in the field of technical and secondary special education" and "S. Altynsarina"

- Ermukanov Turlan Nuradinovich
- Teacher of "Social Disciplines",
- Master of Humanities,
- Holder of the badge "For valiant work in the field of technical and secondary special education",
- Holder of the badge "For valiant work in the field of technical and secondary special education",
- Letters of thanks from the akim of the city and OblINO

- Miranbekova Gulsayran Askarovna
- Teacher of history and geography,
- The holder of the badge "For valiant work in the field of technical and secondary special education",
- the Republican professional competition "The best methodical work" diploma of the II degree

- Nurudinova Ardak Amanzholovna
- Teacher of "Social Disciplines",
- Master of Humanities,
- Holder of the badge "For valiant work in the field of technical and secondary special education",
- Honorary Diploma of OblINO

- Akhmetova Kamshat Chapaevna
- Teacher of the basics of law and philosophy,
- Master of Humanities,
- The owner of the badge "For valiant labor in the field of technical and secondary special education"

- Balapashev Beken Sarsengalievich
- Education: higher education, Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov, Philosophy 2000-2005
- 2012-2014 Aktobe State University named after S.Baishev, Master's degree
- Academic degree: Master of Philosophy

- Eskalieva Saltanat Bakhytovna
- Methodologist for educational and methodical work
- The owner of the badges "Bilim zhane gylym kyzmetkerlerin kasipodagyna sinirgen enbegi ushin", "For valiant labor in the field of technical and secondary special education"
- Winner of the republican contest “Pedagogy of salasyn uzdigi-2019

- Bizhanova Aizhan Zhaskairatovna
- Social pedagogue
- Teacher of self-knowledge

- Zhumagazina Galiya Urungalievna
- Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
- The owner of badges: "Bilim zhane gylym kyzmetkerlerin kasipodagyna sinirgen enbegi ushin", "For valiant labor in the field of technical and secondary special education", "Y. Altynsarin"
- Winner of the regional competition "Portfolio of a social pedagogue",
- Certificate of Honor of the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
CMC "Philological disciplines"

- Baizhanova Rauza Nabievna
- Chairman of the CMC "Philological disciplines"
- Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature
- Winner of the Grand Prix of the regional competition "The best philologist"
- Author of methodological developments "Professional Kazakh language"
- Certificate of commendation for the preparation of the winners of the Olympiad

- Atamuratova Akmaral Yerkinovna
- Teacher of Russian language and literature
- Russian Russian Literature of the 20th century", "Professional Russian language", the winner of the medal "Excellent Student of Education", the author of methodological developments
- The winner of the regional competition "The best electronic resource"

- Adilkanova Guldana Bazarkozhaevna
- Teacher of Kazakh language and literature
- Methodologist of the educational department
- Master of Pedagogical Sciences
- Winner of the Ulagatty Ustaz medal
- Certificate of commendation for the preparation of the winners of the Olympiad

- Asabayeva Lyazat Biktybayevna
- Teacher of Russian language and literature
- Author of methodological developments "Russian literature of the 2nd half of the 19th century"
- Winner of the regional competition "Panorama of pedagogical ideas"
- Champion of the annual regional competitions in n/tennis among employees of the TVET
- Certificates of commendation for conducting regional events established by the Akimat of the region

- Kobdabayeva Botakuz Zhadigerovna
- Teacher of Kazakh language and literature
- Winner of the medal "Excellent student of Education"
- Author of methodological developments "Professional Kazakh language"
- Certificate of commendation for the preparation of the winners of the Olympiad

- Seitmaganbetova Zhanna Amangosovna
- Teacher of Russian language and literature
- Author of methodological developments "Professional Russian language",
- Certificate of Commendation for the preparation of the winners of the Olympiad
CMC "Economic disciplines"
- Specialty: 0518000 "Accounting and audit"
- Qualification:: 0518033 "Economist – accountant"
- Terms of training: on the basis of basic secondary education is 2 years 10 months; on the basis of general secondary education – 1 year 10 months.
- The objects of professional activity of an economist–accountant are the property of enterprises, its liabilities, capital and business operations that cause changes in the composition, placement of assets and sources of its formation, as well as organizations of various sectors of the economy: ministries and departments, the Tax Committee, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, enterprises and firms, regardless of the type of activity, size or form property, management bodies, research organizations, banking system. These are state bodies of the republican and territorial level, banks, insurance, pension, mortgage, and leasing companies, pawnshops, credit partnerships, stock exchanges, budgetary institutions and organizations, investment funds, economic entities of various organizational and legal forms, economic courts, financial police, as well as research organizations.
- Graduates of the specialty "Accounting and Auditing (by industry)" should be able to apply theoretical knowledge in practice in real life, receiving, analyzing, interpreting, synthesizing, evaluating and presenting information, can perform the following types of professional activities:
- – organizational and managerial;
- – production and management;
- – settlement and design;
- – control and management.
- They must have the competencies for qualified work in financial and tax authorities, in an enterprise, in insurance organizations, in banks and other financial institutions, performing the following functions of professional activity:
- – accounting and financial reporting;
- – preparation of consolidated financial statements;
- – preparation of tax reports and filling in tax returns;
- – collecting accounting and statistical information, processing data and preparing it for use by managers for making managerial decisions, investors, creditors, external and internal users;
- – analysis and evaluation of alternative pricing solutions, production methods, investments;
- – management and control over the activities of enterprises in general;
- – verification of compliance of accounting with legislative and regulatory acts, as well as provision of advisory services (audit and consulting activities);
- – development of regulatory acts regulating accounting (regulatory and methodological activities).
Teachers of the CMC "Economic disciplines"

- Yesetova Mira Klimovna
- Chairman of the CMC "Economic Disciplines"
- Master of Economic Sciences
- Teacher of special disciplines of the highest category
- Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Freelance coach of NAO "Talap"
- NAAR Expert

- Khojaniyazova Zhanat Togabayevna
- Teacher of the CMC "Economic disciplines"

- Tulegenov Talgat Yerbulatovich
- Teacher of the CMC "Economic disciplines"
- Teacher of economic disciplines of the highest category

- Kylyshbaeva Kuralai Muratkyzy
- Teacher of the CMC "Economic disciplines"
- Master of Economic Sciences
- Teacher of economic disciplines of the first category

- Yerekeshev Kabesh Minturganovich
- Teacher of the CMC "Economic disciplines"
- Teacher of special disciplines of the highest category

- Bakhitzhanova Mahabbat Bekbulatovna
- Teacher of the CMC "Economic Disciplines"
- Master of Economic Sciences
- Teacher of economic disciplines