Chairman of the parent Committee Ilyasova Zhanar EsbergenovaDepartment ” Information systems»Individual entrepreneur Studio ” Azhar» Members of the parent Committee Erzhanova Ulmecken DuisengaliyevnaDepartment of ” General education disciplines»Chief specialist of the city akimat Bekmuratov Nurzhan BekmuratDepartment ” automation and management»Director of LLP ” Zharyk» Aitikeeva Glamily AltinbasDepartment ” automation and management”Individual entrepreneur Marselina Asel SerikbaevnaDepartment ” Information systems»The administration of the loans in the Center of business development “Damu» Chachibaia Zhuldyz KuanyshevnaDepartment ” Technical specialties»Teacher of AIEs College Dyusembina Damilya MaksatovnaDepartment ” automation and management»Individual entrepreneur SP ” Dyusembina» Kusembaeva Gulmira AmangeldievnaDepartment of ” General education disciplines»Assistant cook LLP “the Great wall»