International conferences:
M. Moldabayeva, International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Innovation Technologies for the Organization of Education at a Technical University”, Penza, November 2018, article “On Some Aspects of Teaching Special Disciplines in the Formation of Professional Competence of a College Graduate”
M. Moldabayeva, IXV International Scientific and Practical Conference “News of Modern Science - 2018”, England, December 2018, article “Subject-Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in the lessons of special disciplines”
Baizhanova, B. Kobdabaeva, International scientific-practical conference "Pedagogical innovation resource of modern educational system", Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov, article "Effectiveness of pedagogical technologies in teaching Kazakh language"
• A.Atamuratova, S.Eldesova, Zh.Seitmaganbetova International scientific-practical conference «Pedagogical innovations resource of development of modern educational system», Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov, article «Pedagogical innovations in the modern system of education»
• A.Atamuratova international conference "Philology: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow", Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov, article "Compatibility approach in Russian language teaching"
• S. Yeldesova, Zh. Seytmaganbetova International scientific-practical conference "Innovative technologies in the organization of training in the technical space", Architecture and construction of Penza State University, article "Role classroom work of teacher and teacher"
• Zholayeva Zh.T., Shatayakova Zh.D. International scientific-practical conference "Innovation technologies in the organization of training in the technical high school", Penza State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, article "Teacher Competency - the most unique educational process"
• Zholayeva Zh.T., Shatayakova Zh.D. V International Scientific and Practical Conference "GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATION 2019: CENTRAL ASIA", Association of Legal Entities "The Commonwealth, the Bobek Movement, ASTANA - 2019, article" Oil resources and their influence to the soil".
• Zholayeva Zh.T, Shatayakova Zh.D International scientific-practical conference "Innovation, development prospects in technical and vocational education institutions", Aktobe regional scientific and practical center, Aktobe College of Transport Communications and New Technology, article "The role of dual and module education in professional training"
• Zholayeva Zh.T., Erimbetova M.U International scientific-methodical conference within the framework of "Digital Kazakhstan", 2019, Taraz city, article "Resolving dilemmas in chemical technologies"
• Kazkeeva G.N, International scientific-methodical conference within the framework of "Digital Kazakhstan", 2019, Taraz, article "Use of new innovative technologies in the teaching of special disciplines in the era of globalization" Kazkeeva G.N, Suyundikova A.Zh., Tanatarova A. - 201PG, "GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019: CENTRAL ASIA", V International Scientific and Practical Conference, Association of Legal Entities "Commonwealth Movement" Bobek "ASTANA - 2019, article" Determination of Acidity of Bakery Products "
• Almaniyazova A.S, VIII International scientific and methodical conference "Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science" dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University, article "Application of Communication Overcast Technologies in the Educational Process"
• Yessetova M.K. “Formation of a system for assessing the quality of education using the capabilities of automated information systems”: IV International Scientific and Practical Conference, MBU DPO “Center for the Development of Education in the city of Chelyabinsk” with the support of the Committee for Education of the city of Chelyabinsk and ZAO IRTech, Samara, from March 1 to March 15, 2019, “The role and importance of the implementation of digital educational technologies in the process of assessing the quality of education of a VET organization”
• Yessetova M.K. “INNOVATION TECHNOLOGIES OF EDUCATION ORGANIZATION AT A TECHNICAL HIGH EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION” international scientific and methodological conference, Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of High Education “PENZA STATE UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION”.
• Yessetova M.K, Professional education and youth employment: XXI century: Training for the digital economy »Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region Department of Professional Education of the Russian Academy of Education Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan GBU DPO" Kuzbass Regional Institute for the Development of Professional Education "GOU DPO (PC) S “Kuzbass Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Education Workers” FSBEI HE Kemerovo State University, become I “Implementation of modern digital educational technologies”, Materials of the International scientific-practical conference (Kemerovo, April 11, 2019)
• Moldabayeva M.N, Mukhambetova R.Zh., Esengalieva G.U, Uteuliev E.B, IV International Scientific and Practical Conference «Integration of Scientific Society with Global Problems of Past and Present», Sapporo, Japan, 2019, article "Application of Subject-Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Teaching Special Disciplines"
• Kuanyshbayeva M.M, Zhumagaliyeva S.S, International scientific and practical conference "New opportunities for development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution", Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev, article "Implementation of the system of accountability on the railway line"
- Қуанышбаева М.М, Жұмағалиева С.С, Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция - Materials of the IV International Scientific-Practical Conference "Integration of the Scientific Community to the Global Challenges of Our Time", Sapporo (Japan)Regional Academy of Management, February 13-15, 2019, мақала «Қазіргі таңдағы қашықтан оқыту жүйесінің білім беру деңгейінде алатын орыны»
• Kuanyshbayeva M.M, Zhumagaliyeva S.S, International scientific-practical conference - Materials of the IV International Scientific-Practical Conference, Sapporo (Japan) Regional Academy of Management, February 13-15, 2019, the article "The place of distance learning at the modern educational level"
• M. Moldabayeva, “Innovation and the prospect of development in technical and vocational education institutions” International Scientific and Practical Conference, Aktobe College of Transport, Communications and New Communications, October 2018, article “Innovative pedagogical activity of a teacher of special disciplines”
• Bayzhuma Adil, leader Moldabayeva M., Republican scientific-practical conference "Innovative and promising ideas of youth in technical and vocational education" within the framework of "Jastar jyly", Aktobe motor-road college, Aktobe region scientific and practical center, 22.02.2019, article "CLIL the process of using the method in special disciplines "
Republican level conferences:
Eskaliyeva S.B, “Formation of a system for assessing the quality of education using the capabilities of automated information systems”: IV international scientific-practical conference, MBU DPO “Center for the Development of Education of the city of Chelyabinsk” with the support of the Committee for Education of the city of Chelyabinsk and ZAO IRTech, Samara, from March 1 to March 15, 2019, the “College Informatization - As a First Step to Creating a Unified Electronic Management System”
- Moldabayeva M, V Republican Pedagogical Conference “Modern Information Lesson: Effective Organization of the Educational Process” ZIAT Scientific and Methodological Center, Almaty, October 2018, article “Application of the educational information environment in the formation of the professional competence of a college graduate”
A.Atamuratova, B.Kobdabayeva Republican scientific-practical conference "Innovative technologies in education and active learning methods", scientifically-pedagogical center "Kausar", article "Effective methods of teaching in the language of disciplines"
A.Atamuratova, B.Kobdabayeva Republican scientific-practical conference "Innovative technologies in education and active learning methods", scientifically-pedagogical center "Kausar", article "Effective methods of teaching in the language of disciplines"
G.Alashbaeva, B. Kobdabaeva, Scientific journal of ARSU named after K.Zhubanov, article "Effective use of elements of distance learning on discipline Professional Kazakh language in human dual training
- R. Baizhanova, B. Kobdabayeva Regional scientific-practical conference "Content of renewed education: Kazakh language and teaching methods", Aktobe Regional State University named after K.Zhubanov, article "Latin alphabet is the beginning of a bright future"
G.Alashbaeva, G. Adilkanova, Kobdabaeva B. Regional scientific and practical conference «Context of the updated content: the Kazakh language and methods of teaching», Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov., article "Methods of Distance Learning of the Discipline “Professional Kazakh Language”.
Miranbekova G., Karakusheva А.С. Dzhuketayeva A.R, Nurudinova А.А. Republican scientific-methodical magazine "Taqylym", Astana, article "Studying the history of national history in the history of the country - the guarantee of independence of the nation, generation of generation"
Eltezerova G.S, Ermukhanov T.N Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Zh.Kasymbayev Readings-2018" Almaty State University named after Abay, article "National Liberation Revolt in 1916" (in West Kazakhstan)
Zholayeva Zh.T. Results of Student Research: Analysis and Problems IV 2019 year. youth and the 150th anniversary of the city of Aktobe, organized by the Republican Scientific and Practical Online, Offline Conference, Youth Resources Center, article "Environmental Impact of Oil"
- IV Kazkeeva G.N, Suyundikova A.Zh., Tanatarova Aruzhan - 201PG, Republican Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Results of Student Scientific Research: Analysis and Problems", report "Application of Hydroponic Methods for Plant Growing", DIPLOM II
Dauletiyarova T.Sh. 2019 year. Republican Scientific and Practical Online, Offline Conference, Youth Resources Center, article "Environmental Problems of Oil Production", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the city of Aktobe and "Student Research Results: Analysis and Problems
Dauletiyarova T.Sh. Republican scientific conference "Ideas of innovative approaches and perspectives of young people in technical and vocational education", Aktobe regional scientific and practical center, Aktobe Humanitarian College, February 22, 2019, article "Prospective development of innovative development in technical and vocational education
Erimbetova M.U, Kibash Ayazhan, 201 Bisen Arsen 2019, 2019 "Youth Research Results: Analysis and Problems", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the city of Aktobe and the IV Republican Scientific and Practical Online, Online Conference, Youth Resources Center, article "Innovations in Solving Environmental Problems in the Caspian Sea"
Essetova M.K, International Scientific and Practical Conference “Pedagogical Innovations: a Resource for the Development of the Modern Education System”, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the academic teacher Imzharova Zauresh Ubaidullovna, Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov, course “TEACHING METHODS“ FUNDAMENTALS OF ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITY ”, January 11, 2019
Anastasiya Turkina, Kalenov Yerzhan, leader Esetova M.K, IV Republican Scientific and Practical Conference on Students' Research Results: Analysis and Problems, Aktobe Regional Education Administration, Aktobe Regional Research Center Aktobe Humanitarian College, article "DESIGN OF SOCIAL-PERSONAL COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS IN MODERN COLLEGE CONDITION»
Turkina Anastasiya, Kalenov Yerzhan, leader Essetova M.K., "YOUTH AND PRACTICE: regional and global interests," a collection of articles Republican student conference "Youth and practice: regional and global interests" article "to create an ecosystem of youth entrepreneurship among students" - Balkhash: NAO Holding Kusipkor, Private Institution Polytechnic College of Kazakhmys Corporation. – 2019
Anastasiya Turkina, Kalenov Yerzhan, leader Essetova M.K., Republican Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Approaches and Promising Ideas for Youth in Technical and Vocational Education", Aktobe Regional Scientific and Practical Center, Aktobe Highway College, article "COMPLETE ECOSYSTEM INDUSTRY YOUTH INDUSTRY »STUDENT CLIENT»
Anastasiya Turkina, Kalenov Yerzhan, leader Essetova M.K., Republican scientific-methodical conference "Youth and Science", Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov.
Erekeshev K.M., International Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth and Science", Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics, article "Involving Youth in Entrepreneurship and Financing"
Eskaliyeva S.B., Khodzhaniyazova Zh.T, Uteuliyev E.B., Moldabayeva M.N., Essetova M.K. «4K model: on the way of development of professional skill of the teacher» (on-line) Republican pedagogical discussion platform, Orleu NKO, Aktobe, 2019
Regional Conferences
Eskalieva S.B. Regional scientific and practical online conference on "Development of human fund in the context of Digital Kazakhstan", Orleu NKOF Aktobe Oblast Pedagogical Institute, Aktobe, 2019, report "Effective use of ICT opportunities in critical thinking skills development"
- Karakusheva A.S. Regional conference "Nur Otan" party, report "Leader of the Nation and Development of Independent Kazakhstan"
Dzhuketayeva A.R. August Pedagogical Council of Regional Education Officers, article "Studying the history of national history in the history of the nation - a guarantee of independence of the nation, independence of generations"
Zholayeva Zh.T. "Socialization of children with special needs education" Regional scientific-practical conference "Orleu" NBAA F Aktobe region Institute for professional development, 2019, article "Pedagogical support of children with special needs education" Show »
Dauletiyarova T.Sh., "Innovative activity of the teacher in the context of renewed education", "Orleu" NBAO F Aktobe region Pedagogical Institute of professional development, 2019, article "Possibility of psychological and pedagogical support of children with special needs"
Dauletiyarova T., Regional conference "Idea of innovative approaches and perspectives of youth in technical and vocational education" SCCE "Aktobe regional scientific and practical center" 2019, article "Prospective development of innovative development in technical and vocational education"
- Erimbetova M.U. Essay «Contemporary education content is a requirement of the time», Aktobe regional education department, Aktobe regional scientific-practical center, regional essay collection «Innovative activity of the teacher in the context of renewed education», 2019г.
Almaniyazova A.S. Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Implementation of DIGITAL KAZAKHSTAN", Regional Training and Research Conference, Branch of "Orleu" JSC branch in Aktobe region, article "Effectiveness of multimedia interactive online course in education"
Essetova M.K., Tulegenov T. I., Kylyshbayeva K.M. Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Socialization of Individuals with Special Needs Education: From Theory to Practice", Branch of JSC "NCPD" Orleu "of Aktobe region, article" METHOD OF TEACHING COURSE "Condition of inclusive training realization in TAPE", Aktobe, 2019.
Essetova M.K., "Development of human fund within the framework of Program" Digital Kazakhstan "(2019 - the Year of Youth): Regional scientific and practical conference, Aktobe: Branch of JSC" NCPD "Orleu" PKBAI in 2019 s.