WorldSkills (WorldSkills) is an international social movement that unites people around the world who want to change something. < / span> Its main mission is to create conditions for people who want professional self-realization.< / span>

in the period from 11 to 15 November 2019, the V Republican championship of professional skill – “WorldSkills Kazakhstan 2019″is held.
The championship “WorldSkills Kazakhstan 2019” helps to attract young professionals to the production sector of the economy and the development of technical and vocational education of the country.
More than 400 young professionals (under 22 years of age) from 17 regions of the country will compete in 38 WorldSkills competencies (professions) and compete for the chance to win a medal in the chosen competence. About 500 experts will evaluate the contestants.
Such Championships create new ideas and trends in the training of qualified personnel, an opportunity to improve the quality of professional education and become a center for improving the skills of professional excellence.
Residents of Nur-Sultan have the opportunity to see the competitions of professionals from all over Kazakhstan with their own eyes. We invite everyone to attend the event, which consists of three stages:
Venue of the opening ceremony of the Championship: Central concert hall “Kazakhstan”, prospect: Mangilik El 10/1 (11 November 2019 17.00 h.)
Venue of the competition part of the Championship: Palace of Independence, Tauelsizdik Avenue, 52 (12-14 November 2019 9.00-18.00)
Venue of the closing ceremony of the Championship: Palace of Peace and harmony (Pyramid), Tauelsizdik Avenue 57 (November 15, 2019 18.00 h.) < / span>
Competencies of the championship: “Brickwork”, “tiling “dry construction and plastering”, “painting and decorative works”, “Plumbing and heating”, “Electrical work”, “Carpentry”, “Welding technology”, “electronics”, “Turning on CNC machines”, “Visual merchandising and window dressing”, “Repair and maintenance of cars”, “Body repair”, “Prototyping”, “roofing”, “mechatronics”, “Laboratory and chemical analysis”, “Web design and Development”, “graphic design”, “network and System administration», “CAD engineering graphics”, “IT solutions for business”, Mobile robotics”, Information-cable networks, Internet of things, “Industrial automation”, “management of unmanned aerial vehicles”, “restaurant service”, “Confectionery”, “Cookery”, “Bakery”, “hotel Administration”, “Medical and social care”, “Hairdressing”, “fashion Technology”, “Preschool education”, “Teaching in Junior classes”, “Floristry”. It should be noted that the active development of The WorldSkills movement is becoming one of the effective tools for increasing the prestige and popularization of working professions . Born in 1946, the WorldSkills movement raises the standards of professional training in the 82 countries participating in WorldSkills and aims to assess and develop professional skills, implement public policy in the field of training, demonstrate the importance of competencies for economic growth and personal success. The age group of participants of the movement is young people aged 18 to 22 years: students of colleges and Universities, as well as young employees of enterprises.< / span>