My family is my wealth: the value of relatives and the unity of hearts

All the many people who have met in a person’s life are people who only exist for certain reasons. For no reason, there is a group of people whose hearts are touching,regardless of your white, black or full or thin, sullen, gullible and voluptuous character. He is a group-Family. A full-fledged family, one of which is currently in the head, and one of which is not. I have a parent who played as a child in my fresh childhood, prepared for adulthood with his hot palms. It turns out that mom and dad have been married for 26 years. From two we spread 4 branches, two boys and two girls. I have two sisters and one brother. I would like to thank God that there is a father and mother who admire the country for their respect without bringing the family to the center during the life of one person. Mom is a teacher. Prepares a preschool class. Every year is a reason to open the attention of children and successfully start school. Dad is a school potman (kotelshchik). “I don’t know,” he said. God forbid more).
I have two hardworking sisters in front of me. My older sister is married, she is also a teacher. My second sister works in Astana. My brother is in the 3rd grade at school.

My family is my precious treasure. This treasure is worth all the gold and silver in the world, but there is no equivalent in value. I am sincerely glad that we are among the families whose respect and prosperity, peace and foresight are visible. My family, all my wealth. Long live our family! Know the value of your loved ones

Akhabayev Nursultan-group at 203

#family values #family values