Constitution Day Challenge: the Department of Humanities conducts a blitz survey and strengthens patriotic self-awareness

In connection with the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of humanitarian disciplines accepted the challenge.The purpose of the information work: to strengthen the patriotic self-consciousness, to promote knowledge about the Constitution and to draw attention to its importance as the main document defining the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This event will create a dialogue platform on the role of the Constitution in the life of every citizen of Kazakhstan, strengthen the sense of community and understand the value of legal norms on which our society is based. In the course of Information work, we will organize a blitz survey among the population of the country and send the challenge to other educational institutions!

#Constitutionof Unity, # Constitutionsymboledinstvo ,#Constitutionsun2024, # Denconstitution2024 ! @aqtobe_bilim_basqarmasy @aqtobe_obl_sport