26.12.2019 Almaniyazova Aynagul Serikovna held an open lesson in physics group 101 B. The theme of the lesson : “Еlectric charge. The law of conservation of electric charge. Coulomb’s law». The lesson was conducted with the help of CLIL technologies and the use of ICT. The purpose of the lesson: the Formation of students ‘ ideas about the electric charge Objectives of the lesson: Training-consolidation of the received knowledge in practice in combination with the passed subjects, check of knowledge of students with use of game elements; Developing-development of logical thinking, voluntariness, scientific Outlook, abilities and activity, cognitive interests. Educational-education of a student with developed creative abilities that contribute to an informative culture, accuracy and collectivity, the rules of ethics. The system of work of students: Students were very active and organized at different stages of the lesson, were friendly to the teacher, showed the ability to creatively apply knowledge, skills and abilities to draw conclusions independently. The overall results of the lesson: The lesson plan is fully implemented, were implemented General education, educational and developmental goals of the lesson. The homework was recorded on the blackboard. I think: the lesson was emotional, the pace and rhythm was optimal, there was contact with students, the atmosphere of goodwill was dominant, various methods and techniques were used; I tried to ensure the active participation of each student. The lesson was shown at the district seminar of teachers of physics, mathematics, computer science and reviews of the lesson were positive.