PLICKERS application as a means of monitoring the formation of universal learning activities in the classroom

At the moment, the task of forming students ‘ universal educational actions (UUD) is becoming urgent. However, the effective formation of UMS is impossible without timely diagnostics of its results. Educational monitoring is used to track the level of formation of universal educational actions . This article describes one of the tools for monitoring the formation of universal learning activities in the learning process — the PLICKERS application.
The PLICKERS program is based on a mobile app, website, and printed cards with QR codes. Each student is given one square card, each side of which corresponds to its own answer option (A, B, C, D), which is indicated on the card itself. The teacher asks a question, the listener chooses the correct answer and raises the card with the appropriate side up. The teacher uses a mobile app to scan students ‘ responses in real time (augmented reality technology is used for reading).
The results are stored in a database and are available both directly in the mobile app and on the site for instant or deferred analysis. On the official website there are five different sets of cards. In any set, each card is unique and has its own sequence number. This allows you, for example, to issue a card to a specific student and track their progress if necessary, making the survey personalized.