Membership of a Board of Trustees

  State utility government enterprise «Aktobe High Polytechnic College” of the state institution “Management of education of Aktobe region».

Бекмұратов Н.Б.
Bekmuratov Nurzhan Bekbulatovich

General Director of LLP « Instrumentation»

Кунанова Д.Б.
Konanova Damila Bakhtygereevna


Head of the Aktobe branch of the chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken»

Низамединова Г.Ж.
Nizamedinova Gulnar Garievna

The Director of JSC «AIFN Keryen City»

Джафаров Г.М
Jafarov Galib Musauly

 Director of the children’s and youth sports school of Aktobe reserve for the Boxing Olympiad

Сыдыкбаев Б
Sydykbaev Bakytbek Tusipbekovich

Head of the local police Department of Aktobe IAM, police

Shavkilova Venera Nailovna

 Management of education of Aktobe region, head of Management

Айтпаева С.Е.
Aitpaeva Svetlana Ermekovna

Deputy of Aktobe regional maslikhat

Ibrayev Asan Sagingalievich

President of JSC «Akbulak»

Харченко С.
Harchenko Stanislav Ivanovich

Director of LLP «ESCO-trade»

Нурмагамбетов Т.М.
Nurmagambetov Turganbay Maksutovich

Veteran teacher of the state enterprise
«Aktobe High Polytechnic College»

Нуржигитова М.С.
Nurzhigitova Marzhan Sagatgaliqizi

Accountant of Aktobe Rail and Beam Plant LLP

Женісов Н.Б.
Zhenisov Nurbol Baurzhanuly

 Aktobe regional railway administration. Lawyer

Umirov Yusuf Boranbayuly

Director of LLP «Elitstroyservis-Aktobe»

Mukhamedyarova Sanim Embergenovna

                                                            Director of LLP «Elitstroyservis-Aktobe»