Family as the beginning of the Motherland: fostering patriotism through family values

As they say,” the motherland begins with the family”, it is true that loving the motherland begins with the family! This is because the family is the very first step in raising children. Her growing up as a man and a girl, the signs of her first moral qualities are formed in the family. As we all know – our most real asset in the world – it is, of course, our family.I am the first girl in my family.Dad-Kaztaev Erken Kenesovich AK DUCHS Senior Boxing Manager, mom Surbaeva Guldaria Izym-Galievna LLP Lombard Ramaf finance expert

The family is an environment where respect and harmony Reigns, and a small homeland, as they say, “the motherland begins with the fire”, it is true that love for your country begins with the family. The family is one of the wonders of nature.

Student of the Department of humanitarian specialties Kaztaeva Firuza 101B

#family values #family values