

Educational practice:

  • Conducted with an agreed work curriculum, students at the end of the internship passed a qualification exam in front of the members of the commission, specialists from institutions are invited as members of the commission and at the end of the internship receive working specialties in accordance with state standards. In addition, during the internship, our students, together with their supervisors, attend excursions to get acquainted with institutions, see the progress of work, and specialists from institutions visit for a certain time.

Tour of the institution


Ratov S. - engineer AO "Kerouen City" and Shakirov M. - engineer too "Tengizshevroil"


Ratov S. - engineer AO "Kerouen City" and Shakirov M. - engineer too "Tengizshevroil"

Educational practice:

  • A conference is organized, approved in accordance with the schedule of the work plan, after which students undergo an internship in accordance with a tripartite agreement.
  • Industrial practice is carried out on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 29.01.2016 No. 107 “On approval of the Basic provisions of the organization and conduct of industrial practice".
  • Industrial practice is determined by educational, industrial, pre-graduate practice in accordance with working curricula and working curricula. Each type of practice has its own purpose and main objectives. At the meeting of the cyclical methodological commission, the work plan of the production practice is considered.At the end of the internship, a final conference was held, students pass a qualification exam at the end of the internship, representatives of the institution for each specialty are invited as members of the commission and receive working specialties based on the conclusion corresponding to the grades received for the exam.

Pre-graduate practice:

  • Pre-graduate practice is approved and conducted in consultation with representatives of the production and the director of the college. Analyzing the practical training of college students at large enterprises and institutions of the Aktobe region, I would like to note that students are directed to practice on a contractual basis with the following organizations: for example: "SNPS-AMG", LLP "AZNO", LLP "KTP", "Aktobe CHP", JSC "TNK-Kazchrome", "DGOC", "AZHS", "IntergazASIA", "KMK Munai", LLP "Aktyubglavnab", JSC "Kaztelecom", JSC "Akbulak".

Practical training in the specialty 0819000 "Technology of oil and gas processing" on the basis of the college.


Practical training in the specialty "Information systems" on the basis of the college.