Оnline learning tools


Online learning is a must in today’s world. In this regard, we, the college staff, actively support and use the distance learning project. A prime example of this is the ability of students to learn from dual learning. Before moving to mass online education, we use distance learning in our database.

In my more than 10 years of experience, I actively support the distance learning project, the digitalization of education and looked for ways to correct its shortcomings. As an innovative teacher, I organize online conferences along with videos during lessons. As a result, students can communicate freely with the teacher as if they were studying offline. In this regard, I actively use Zoom, Microsoft Teams.

Zoom environment is easy to use for users and students. In this environment, you only need a special password to organize the conference. As an experienced instructor, I recommend that you constantly change your password for cybersecurity purposes for organizing a meeting in a Zoom environment.

Another environment that I use in my practice is Microsoft Teams. This requires a clear understanding of the conference participants. That is, you can open an online account for each group. Accordingly, each student can only access their own classes with a given username / password. You can also publish lesson-related assignments to this environment. It is also possible to check and evaluate the student’s completed assignment.

Not to mention the Google Meet environment. This is because this environment is more secure than other video conferencing sites. By default, this media is intended for online businesses. Therefore, more attention is paid to the security system. Another advantage of this environment over other environments is conference duration. While other environments only allow 40 minutes of use for free, this capability allows up to 1 hour of use without clutter.

As an experienced teacher, I use these environments as needed and as needed and recommend them to you. One of the features online is that you start by choosing the right environment for your needs. I hope that a well-chosen secondary education will allow you to get a quality education in any situation.


Nurina Zh.K